Shapeshifter - Daisy / Straight feat.重音テトSV
infini - Daisy / Straight feat.重音テトSV
fumble? fumble! - Daisy / Straight feat.重音テトSV
ether_Bullet - Daisy / Straight feat.重音テトSV
Library_out - Daisy / Straight feat.可不
[sample] Howling Emotion=Access_ - Daisy / Straight
sentence_ability_ - Daisy / Straight feat.初音ミク
[sample] NEON SIGN OBELISK - Daisy / Straight feat.可不
[I_dentity] Jail_Lock_ - Daisy / Straight feat.可不
[sample] Orbital:StarShoot_ - Daisy / Straight feat.初音ミク
[sample] Reincarnation Encounter - Daisy / Straight feat.初音ミク
Short_Circuit[syn] - Daisy / Straight feat.可不
Knight of the Weekend - Daisy / Straight feat.初音ミク
[sample] 1st Limiter - Daisy / Straight feat.初音ミク